Well it has been a grand total of 18 days since I began this challenge...I must say that it takes a lot of strength and dedication to make positive changes in your life that are for your own good. Everyday I have tried my best to add something new to my regimen to a healthy lifestyle. I must report that I have not had any Coke Cola and I am determined that I am not having any. This has not been the easiest decision, but I feel that it is one of the best ones that I have made in a very long time. I am not saying that you should not drink any coke or caffeine products, but it is my decision to help me to overcome some of my health struggles. I must say that I can not report a great deal of relief from the physical pain in my body as I do suffer with chronic pain that has been characterized/diagnosed as Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia has no known cure, but there are others that have documented a great deal of relief and pain management...