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All is well: Fibro does not Win...My Story Untold

Give it to him!!!!!!
Life is Good at the Beach ( Casting all my Cares to the Lord)

Casting all my cares to him because he cares for me....

My angels " Gabby and Kayla

Captures for the Ocean: Sea Shells

He was enjoying the Beach as Well: Early morning walks with his master, not a care in the world

More Sea Shells from the Ocean!

Others on the Morning Stroll of the Shore line

At the Arquarium{Ripley's}

I see you looking at me!
One of our places that we visited while in Myrtle Beach.....

Me having a little fun in the Mouth of the Oyster Display!

The Ferris Wheel{AKA SkyWheel...due to the height and size.....}

Sea shells Everywhere!!!!!
Together for 4-ever......even miles away we are always connected!

All is Well, if I must say so my self.    I am back home from my much needed vacation.  It was a good time of refreshing....I was able to see a lot and do somethings that I wanted to.  I appreciate the fact that I was just able to go.   We had a great stay and I have no reason to complain.  

Everyday was not the best day for me, ( due to the struggles in my body) but I am learning to lean on Jesus for the strength that I need and trust him to do the rest.  I am so thankful and give him all the praise for the things that he has done.  I do not take anything for granted.  I love my family and my life.  I missed my children and my husband while I was away.  There is no place like home.   Although there are some good places to relax and see in the world.  I am now busy working and preparing for our family trip that is coming up before school starts.  This will be good for us to go away together for a few days.   Taking trips are hard for me, but I must keep pressing.   I am determined not to let this Fibro Win.   I will defeat this monster that is trying to take over my life.  I am so many desires for me and my family.  I look forward to the day that I do no not have to deal with all the hurting and the pain that overtakes me. 

I keep this before me:  Delight yourself also in the LORD; and he shall give you the desires of your heartPsalms 37:4)


  1. I want to nominate you for the "Sunshine Blog Award." I just recently started following your blog, and I have really enjoyed reading your story and your positive take on Fibro. You can read about the award here:

  2. Thanks Shelly. I appreciate you following my blog and the recommendation for the reward........ I will check out the sunshine award...

  3. Amen! Great vacation! In Him we live, we move & have our being! I enjoyed sharing vacation with you! Can't wait till next year!! To God be the Glory!

  4. Hi Friend, thanks for checking out my blog. I have been perusing through your blog and I find you to be such a source of inspiration and encouragement, that even though you've recently been nominated, I'd like to nominate you again for the Sunshine Blog Award (now, you just have to accept).. for further details, check out

  5. Hello, I had been away for awhile, I am just seeing this and appreciate the nomination and I am sure it is too late, but thanks.


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