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Laughter is a Good like a Medicine......

How often do you laugh in a day?.....or do you laugh? Or do you just let the pressures of life  and your day to day situations get you down.... Did you know that it takes more muscles and energy to frown than it does to smile? 

All writers look for inspiration when they write.   So on tonight, I have to give cordite for my subject due to two totally different situations. One was my lesson tonight in bible study lead by my Pastor that always gives us a word for our souls on on mid-week service.    He is totally led by the spirit of God and knows just what to say ... For that I am so greatful..

My other inspiration comes from a dear friend that I had a phone conversation with last night was very uplifting and she also helped me with her positive attitude and wonderful spirit and she to listens to God and always know just what to say at the appropriate time.  It is good to surround yourself around spirit-filled people. 

Everyone of us should just take a few minutes and just laugh....take a few minutes now to just think about the funniest think that has happened to you or a loved one..... (Now laugh out loud okay(lol)

Life is too short to not to enjoy it....Focus on the positives in your life and look for the beauty in everything....

"There is a growing body of research indicating that a good guffaw may improve immune function, help lower blood pressure, boost mood and reduce stress and depression. And despite a dearth of more rigorous, long-term studies, the sum of these findings is compelling, says cardiologist Michael Miller, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine who has researched the topic."( feel free to review the full study)

The word says: Genesis 1( feel free to read the entire chapter) " in the beginning God created Heaven....and good said let there be light and there was light. And God saw light, that it was good and God divided the light from darkness....
As the word says...God saw that the light was the beginning he set the stage for us to know to look towards the light and he separated the two...and still today we have have the ability to see the difference in light and darkness in our lives....We can choose to go towards the light or to stay or to focus on the dark and sad places in our lives.... God created a design in the beginning and if we follow his design and plan we will be victorious in our lives and when you are victorious you do not have a problem laughing and being happy...

So my challenge to you is to laugh and be happy....Look for the beauty and the positives in your life. Look toward the light and not the darkness in your life...we all reasons or situation to frown but you look better when you smile!!! And it will help you to feel better

" LAUGHTER doeth good like a Medicine"

Disclaimer: Fibromyalgia is chronic wide spread pain....please check with your doctor for pain management and a formal diagnosis to receive additional information on how to cope. These are my thoughts and views. 


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