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There is Hope

There is Hope!

Why art thou cast down, O my Soul and why art though disquieted in me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance. - Psalms 42:5 


Sometimes in life we are faced with challenges that are very hard to deal with.  Often times, you may find yourself, wondering why is this happening to me?  Why am I suffering so much? Why all these trials? Lord, will I ever get a break?   As saints, we have to remember that are hope is in God.  He will leave your forsake you.  In any given situation that you are dealing with, you have to remember that God has not left you he is with you all the time!  When you are in the toughest times of your life, it may be very hard for to see passed what you are being faced with.   You have to keep the faith and trust God. One writer says, “If he bring you to it; He will carry you through it”

Some of us may be dealing with the loss of loved ones, loss of good physical health, loss of relationships, loss of finances andso on. Just keep in mind that it want be like this always. Just seasons change, so will your situation.  There are Brighter Daysahead. We have to look to the hills from which cometh our help.  All of our help comes from God.

For those that are dealing with losses as stated above.  You will have to go through the grieving process. There are different stages of grief.  In dealing with grief and loss, you do not want to get stuck in any one stage.  (Grief is a natural response to loosing someone or something that is dear to you)

There are stages of grief /loss includes denialanger,bargainingdepression and acceptance.  Keep in mind that no two people deal with grief/loss in the same way. We must respect that each person’s individuality in regards to the issues, but all individuals must go through the stages (and not necessarily in the order listed) in order to fully accept what has happened.

Denial- the first stage-  the stage where the world becomes meaningless and life makes no sense. You may have numb feelings and be in sense of shock.  Wondering should I go on. Denial helps us to pace our feelings of grief.  In this stage you are really gaining strength and understanding. This is really the beginning of the healing process.

Anger –the second stageAnger is the emotion, where you wonder where is God in this. Anger is the indication of the level of intensity of the love.  “Be yea angry and Sin not” It is okay to be angry. There are many emotions with anger and during the healing process you will experience each of them from time to time.   Maybe even at the same time.  Anger can be seen as the bridge that allows you to hold on to the person or the relationship that you are now feeling disconnected from.  Anger is natural response often layered with pain, hurt, desertion and feeling of abandonment.

Bargaining-third stage-  the what if stage,  we think, “ maybe I could have done something differently”  “if only I was here sooner”   this only cause us to find fault and blame in ourselves. When really we had not control over the outcome.  We try to negotiate the pain and hurt away.  This is the one stage that does not last as long.  This stage is a response to feelings and emotions that can last for only minutes to a few hours.

Depressionthe fourth stage- feeling of Emptiness,  When the grief becomes very deep.  It may feel like it will last forever.  Keep in mind this is not to be confused with the mental illness; however it is a natural response to grief.  Depression may cause you to isolate from others, and the things that you normally would find pleasure in.  You may experience a full range of emotions and find it difficult to get your life back on track.  You have to understand that this is normal.  Losing a loved one is a very hard situation to deal with. We are never really ready to deal with losing those that are close to us.  

Acceptance-the fifth stageDo not get this confused with  “ I am Ok”. This is the stage where you come to terms with the fact that your loved one us physically gone and recognizing that it is a permanent situation.   During the stage, we recognize that our lives have changed forever and we have to readjust.  It may not be easy or “OK” to live with the reality that they are no longer here with us.  We learn how to cope with the changes in our lives. There will be some good days and bad days.  We learn to remember the good times that we had together. You may begin to build new relationships/ reaching out and making new connections and enjoy life again. You will not be able to do this until you give grief some time.

We have to keep the faith and believe that God will to come to our rescue.  Because he lives we can face tomorrow. He is our HOPE and will give us the Strength that we need to keep moving.

While you are waiting on God sometimes our natural spirits get weak and you begin to feel like there is not anymore that you can take.  Don’t quit and for certain do not give up on God.

He will give you a Peace that surpasses all understanding.

Trust God: for He our HOPE!

If you are suffering and need additional information, prayer or referral services to deal with grief or loss issues feel free to contact me.. I am a Licensed  Therapist as well as a woman of faith...God can help you with any situation are not alone!!


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