This is one of the coldest days of the year....what a way to start off the year other than with preparing for change. Just as the seasons change. We must change as well, in order to keep up. Change is process and it takes planning to help you to prepare for the process.
A new year is a great time to evaluate where your are now and develop plans to help you to get to where you want to go.
In my early morning reading. I was reading about how Jesus gave out the talents and how there was two who multiplied their talents and came back with more than what they were given. In the other passage of the scripture there was reference give to the one servant that went away and buried his talent . This was his way of securing and preserving what he had been given. When he was questioned by Jesus about his talent, he respons to Jesus was that he was afraid. Jeus was not pleased and he took away the talent that he had initially given. Don't let this be your story. First of all we do not want to displease Jesus. Secondly you don't not want to loose the gifts and opportunity that has been given to you. Third, we can not operate in a spirt of fear. ( Matthew 25:14-29)
Do not let another year go by without walking in your purpose and operating in the gift that God has given you...Take out time each day to seek God for direction and purpose. He has already made the provision. Each of us have been given a gift/talent and we have purpose. No excuses in #2015. Let's get it done. make something happen.
It's a new day, which carries new opportunities....Don't look at past failures, sickness, broken relationships, or other hard trials, or fear hold you back- Move Forward!!!!
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