It's Friday, the end of a long week. Although it has been long, I so look forward to the end of the week. I like the idea that I do not have to be anywhere at a certain on most Saturdays and can just move at my own pace. Today, I will continue to recover at home and try to get over the issues of bronchititis and try to feel better for the upcoming week. It is bad that one has to stress over how the next week will be even though it is several days away, but that is what I deal with. I am looking foward to the day that I can be just like other people and live without worry of physical discomfort. I am working on my faith in an attempt to see that my latter days will be greater than my past. It is something to look foward to change and it seems that the days will never come. I am so Glad that I have a relationship with God that constantly gives me strength to help me self not to go in depression. I know ...
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