"My mind says yes and My Body says not TODAY!
It is time to get up and get to moving......I really just want to just stay here in this bed...Not that it feels any better here. I just do not want to move. I am saying Body you must line up. I have got to be in church today. I know there is a Blessing in the Pressing! I am going to press my way today and I hope that as the day progress that I will feel better. I will Pray and take all my medications in order to get the things done on this Blessed Day!....
Although I hurt, I have to so much to be Thankful...Two beautiful girls and a loving husband that tries his best to understand me. In a few days, we will be celebrating our 15 yr. wedding anniversary. Wow what a journey this has been. I never would have thought when they said in "sickness and health" that we would visit that part so soon....I have had numerous surgies with dealing with endometrosis and all the pain that goes with that as well as infertility....boy was that stressful and painful as well...seeing other people with their children and baby clothes in the store. Oh how I longed to be a mother and hear the patter of little feet running through the house. He made a way when the doctors said you will never be able to have children. Shame the Devil.....All in God's timing and I had to trust him. See, I know God to be a healer and a miracle worker. I am so Thankful and know that he will deliver me again from the Dreadful Pain that I am carry from day to day. He has Blessed me with two daughters and for taht I give God the Praise. He can do anything but fail.
He continues to make a way for me......I have to share just a bit more of my story on today because there is where I get more motivation to keep on moving.......As I look back over my life and see all the things that I have been blessed with , my children, my husband and family all my formal training in the social work field that allows me to help others even when I really need help myself to feel better. I will not give up.....I am excited about being able to once again start my exrercise routine later this week. I feel that this is going to be good for me. I have been reading and educating myself and I have found that being active in a exercise program increase mobility and decreases the pain and other symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia. I will add updates as I tackle this new venture...
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