I am awake now because I have been asleep for quite some time since returning home from a few hours out with my girls. I took them to the fall festival at their school. I think they enjoyed themselves. I try to keep give them some opportunities to have fun. On the other hand, I was dealing with the fact that my head was hurting due to the fact that I have been experiencing problems with my blood pressure being elevated. It seems as nothing that I am doing is assisting. I have informed by doctor of what is going on as well as taking my high blood pressure medicine. I just took my pressure after working up and it is still off the chart.
In efforts to educate myself and other based off previous studies and research and what I have found out is that it not uncommon for person with fibromyalgia to have problems with elevated pressure due to increased pain and the side effects from prescribed pain medications that are being used to treat inflammation that include NASIDs, which I have been taking. Therefore I must assume that this might be a possible cause for the increases in my pressures. The readings have been ranging from 172/118 to the latest being 134/103 after a nap. This is not supposed to be. I have contacted my doctor and am scheduled to be worked in Monday. I wonder what they are going to tell me. I plan to get some test ran on me….I feel like I am going crazy with all that is going on I really just want to feel better. It has been so long, I am not ever sure what “Better” means. I must keep the faith the God has it all under control. I will feel better. He gives me strength on a daily basis to get most of the things done that I need to get done and for that I am so thankful. I will not complain…. “they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength …..they shall mount on wings like and eagle, they shall run and not faint” I don’t mind waiting on the Lord…..All of my help comes from the Lord.
· On tomorrow, I plan to get started with my exercise routine….I watched the first DVD and it seems as though I might be able to maintain. I know that I must pace myself. I am gonna get my children and spouse involved……
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