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It want be like this always: Preparing for Change{Living with Fibromyalgia}

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he [she] trusts in You. –Is 26:3

Telling my body to line up with my mind.  I am trusting the Lord everyday that I will feel better.   I have been away for a while just because I just didn't feel like it.  Over the past few weeks has been some of the hardest weeks and days for me.  I have just been going one day at a time.  Most days the pain is so unbearable that I can not explain, but I just keep moving because I feel like it I stop then I have given up.  I can not give up. I can not quit.

Over the past few weeks, I have missed several days from work an other important activities due to the constant pain that seems to overtake my body.( I initially started writing this post back in September'12 nothing much has changed so I will just pick up where I left off)

1-28-13...As previously stated, I have missed several days form work due to the ongoing pain that never ceases to amaze me the things that can trigger unbearable pain.  I try not to focus on the pain but it is almost always present with me and I have to press my way each and every day. Just the simple things of life that others take for granted I struggle to do.   I often times find me self wondering will it go away, will it get better for me.  I have to keep my faith in God and my love for life as my motivation to keep moving.  I hope that my story and my journey will encourage others not to give up. I am always look for means of encouragement and towards the end of last year, I was was riding home from work and had to visit on of the communities near my neighborhood and I saw a heard of cows grazing in the field.  I got out of my car (with camera in hand-see photo below; and parked and walked over closer to the field where the cows were and there was one cow that watched me the entire time, there was a few others that were play and enjoying the life that they have been afforded appearing to not have a care in the world then there was another set of cows that continued to graze and eat with out worry in the world.   Me with my camera had to capture this moment as it reminded me of the scripture "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus Phil 4:6-7.'
The thought came to me if God can provide for these animals what they need.   They do not have to worry about basic needs then"I" should not be worried about my health and healing.  I am continuing to declare and decree that my best days are ahead and it want be like this always.  God has not given me the spirit of fear although, I have so rough days I can not think or feel that this as good as it gets.   Although , at this point, I can not remember what normal is or what it feels like not to be distracted or overwhelmed by pain.   I trust God that I will complete my journey and my assignment victorious.

Currently my goal for this week is to make it to the end of the week and get the rest that I so need and then get it up and do it again ....One day at a time is all that I can say one day at a time.

Do you have Fibromyalgia?  Listed below are signs and symptoms
for testing and diagnosis follow up with your Primary Care Physician.
To be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, you must have had at least 3 months of widespread pain, and pain and tenderness in at least 11 of 18 areas, including
  • Arms (elbows)
  • Buttocks
  • Chest
  • Knees
  • Lower back
  • Neck
  • Rib cage
  • Shoulders
  • Thighs
Blood and urine tests are usually normal. However, tests may be done to rule out other conditions that may have similar symptom. (

Disclaimer: Fibromyalgia is an illness that causes widespread pain.  Research and efforts continues to help individuals to better cope with the impact that it has on their daily living. Any information presented here is for the benefit of me and others to improve the ability to deal with the illness as well as my own journey.


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