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A Change is Coming.....Something BIG (Endometrosis&Fibromyalgia any connection)

Been away for awhile, but not ever really gone...the Dream of one day not having any physical pain may seem far fetched and like that of something thing hat may not ever happen.  Well in the past three weeks I have had to continue to "Dream Big"  and  "Hope" for some long awaited relief.  September 6th, I entered the hospital room at about 5:15 am in the morning for a scheduled surgery.  Not really knowing the outcome, I went in with the belief that things would some how be different for me.  The unknown always brig about fear. So as I was preparing my mind for my surgery.  It was very apparent in the preparation room that I was experiencing  heighten anxiety and increased pain as my blood pressure was off the charts.....The doctors and the nurses were at odds on what to do and told me if  " we don't get your pressure down and stable, we will not be able to perform your surgery today.  It's just not safe.  I had to give it to God and Trust him...Because it was now the time for me to finally experience some relief so that I can live.  So with my Husband and Leaders by my side, we went in to Prayer and about 5 hours later. I woke up in recovery and my surgery was complete and they were telling me that the procedure went well.   I was know really on my "Road" to recovery.  It was great feeling to just wake and for a Blessing to see all my family and friends that were there waiting and believing with me that my  "Change" was about to come.  I am not really sure what really lies ahead. But I am certain that I will feel much better as my healing comes and I keep a positive attitude and a good support system to help me to deal with the transitions of life.  For a great number of years, I have dealt with being a lot of  physical pain from the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia as well as Endometriosis and with my total hysterectomy life I sure to be very different.  Which is a whole different subject that will be addressed in later posts.  (Endometriosis (en-doe-me-tree-O-sis) is an often painful disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus — the endometrium — grows outside your uterus (endometrial implant). Endometriosis most commonly involves your ovaries, bowel or the tissue lining your pelvis. Rarely, endometrial tissue may spread beyond your pelvic region).
Have you or anyone you know suffered from Endometriosis and Fibromyalgia reported any relief after having surgery.....


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