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Healing Fibro: Protein Energy Drink for Women

Many of us who struggle with Fibromyalgia and other Chronic Pain conditions also deal with always feeling drained and tired. In most cases no matter how much sleep you get, for some reason you still just feel Super Tired. I know I am not ridding on this train alone. In research, I have learned that the diet play a great role in how one feels. I was told that I was Vitamin D deficient and I know have to take Vitamin D twice a week. I must admit that with my busy schedule that I am not really good at taking all that medication and I have to do other things to supplement in that regard. So what I have found to be helpful to me is to make smoothies and other fruit drinks to help me to get the nutrients that my body so desperately needs. So I have decided to share at least once a week recipes that I have found to be beneficial to me or ones that I plan to try. I hope that you will enjoy this series and will add comments or share your own recipes and tips to help us all feel better.
TeeTee’s Protein Energy Smoothie for Women Kale/Spinach Pineapples Mangos Blueberries 1tsp honey or vanilla coffee creamer 2 scoops of Whey Protein/soy Drink mix Combine all ingredients together and blend until smooth (consistency as desired) or use nutribullet *you may use frozen fruit if you choose but fresh organic fruits are highly recommended From-TeeTee’s recipes-Healing Fibro


  1. Love this post & the idea of using vanilla coffee creamer as a back up sweetener. This recipe definitely sounds awesome so I'll have to give it a try. xoxo

    The Budget Divaa │

  2. thanks for reading my blog you will enjoy this great recipemy mom gave me the idea of adding the vanilla coffee cream as she had done it before. many of us struggle with finding a way to sweeten our smoothies hope you enjoy please feel free to share your results. make sure you subscribe to get updates and other great recipes


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